1000 Applications (*.exe) |*.exe| All Files (*.*) |*.*||\n
1001 Scanning:
1002 No valid selection.
1003 Applications
1004 Applications in the Start Menu
1005 Applications on the Desktop
1006 Select a folder for the backup file:
1007 Cancel
1008 &Next >
1009 < &Back
1010 &Close
1011 Co&ntinue
1012 &Undo
1013 (Demo)
1014 Add files
1015 &Preferences...
1016 Select a folder for the transport file:
1017 Select a folder for the archive file:
1018 &Add
1019 T&ransport >
1020 &Move >
1021 D&elete >
1022 Arc&hive >
1023 Applications on the Desktop (Common)
1024 Applications in the Start Menu (Common)
1025 Re&boot
1026 Select a destination folder:
1027 &Help
1100 Application Cleanup deleted the following:
1101 This operation reclaimed %s of disk space.
1102 A backup of the deleted application(s) was created in:
1103 a
1104 Click Report to view details of the delete operation.
1105 Application Cleanup moved the following:
1106 The selected application was moved to:
1107 a
1108 This operation moved %s of data.
1109 Click Report to view details of the move operation.
1110 Click Report to view details of the transport operation.
1111 Application Cleanup transported the following:
1112 The intermediate location for the transported applications is:
1113 a
1114 This operation transported %s of data.
1115 Please wait... Deleting the application components you selected.
1116 Deleting %s
1117 Click Stop to discontinue the delete operation and proceed to the summary page.
1118 Please wait... Moving the application components you selected.
1119 Moving %s
1120 Click Stop to discontinue the move operation and proceed to the summary page.
1121 Please wait... Archiving the application components you selected.
1122 Achiving %s
1123 Click Stop to discontinue the archive operation and proceed to the summary page.
1124 Please wait... Transporting the application components you selected.
1125 Transporting %s
1126 Click Stop to discontinue the transport operation and proceed to the summary page.
1127 Approximate disk space savings: %s
1128 &Confirm all file and folder move operations.
1129 &Move the data files associated with the selected application(s)
1130 The selected application(s) will be moved to the following folder:
1131 a
1132 Approximate size of the files being moved: %s
1133 Click Advanced to view the list of files to be moved.
1134 Click the Move button to move the application(s).
1135 Select from the following options for this move operation.
1136 &Confirm all file and folder deletes after the archive operation.
1137 A&rchive the data files associated with the selected application(s).
1138 The selected application(s) will be archived in the following folder:
1139 a
1140 Approximate size of files being archived: %s
1141 Click Advanced to view or modify the list of components to be archived.
1142 Click the Archive button to archive the selected application(s).
1143 Select from the following options for this archive operations.
1144 &Confirm all file and folder transport operations.
1145 &Transport the data files associated with the selected application(s).
1146 The following transport drive/folder will be used:
1147 a
1148 Approximate size of the files being transported: %s
1149 Click Advanced to view or modify the list of application files to be transported.
1150 Click the Transport button to transport the application.
1151 The following option is available for this transport operation.
1160 This operation would have reclaimed %s of disk space.
1161 A backup of the deleted application(s) would have been created in:
1162 Application Cleanup would have deleted the following:
1163 The selected application would have been moved to:
1164 This operation would have moved %s of data.
1165 Application Cleanup would have moved the following:
1166 The intermediate location for the transported applications would have been:
1167 This operation would have transported %s of data.
1168 Application Cleanup would have transported the following:
1169 Application Cleanup would have archived the following:
1170 The application would have been archived in:
1171 Application Cleanup archived the following:
1172 The application was archived in:
1173 %ld files selected, (%s)
1174 Archive of %s
1175 Deletion of %s
1176 Move of %s
1177 Transport of %s
1178 No backup file created.
1179 Select an application
1180 Please wait... Backing up and deleting the application components you selected.
1200 Delete
1201 Move
1202 Archive
1203 Transport
1204 Select the application
1205 Select the destination folder
1206 Review options and delete the application
1207 Review options and move the application
1208 Review options and archive the application
1209 Review options and transport the application
1210 Review summary information
1211 Step %d
1212 Deleting
1213 Resolving shortcuts...
1214 Finding rules...
1215 Finding dependencies...
1216 Finding file interdependencies...
1217 Building list of actions...
1218 Finding registry entries...
1219 Finding associated data files...
1220 Processing rule for: %s
1221 Updating database...
1225 Generating report...
1226 Backing up files...
1227 Moving
1228 Building file list...
1229 Finding links...
1230 Backing up file: %s
1231 Select the transport drive.
1232 Compressing files...
1233 Compressing file: %s
1234 Creating self-extracting executable: %s
1235 Restoring %s
1236 Application Cleanup needs to reboot your system to finish %s files that were running. Your computer will reboot when you exit Application Cleanup or press the Reboot button at the bottom of Application Cleanup. Please save any documents that you may have open in other applications. Press OK to continue to the next page.
1237 deleting
1238 moving
1239 transporting
1240 archiving
1241 Need to reboot computer
1242 Application Cleanup is about to reboot your computer. Please make sure that any documents open in other applications are saved. Press OK to reboot your computer.
1243 Processing data files...
1244 Scanning configuration file: %s
1300 Application Components
1301 Main Program File
1302 Program Folder
1303 Related Program Files
1304 Related DLLs
1305 Program Shortcuts
1306 Configuration (INI) File Entries
1307 Registry Entries
1308 Data Files
1309 Other
1310 Application Cleanup Event Logs
1400 File: %s
1401 Folder: %s
1402 Link: %s
1403 Dependent file: %s
1404 Dependent link: %s
1405 Registry entry: %s
1406 Autoexec line: %s
1407 Config line: %s
1500 Error launching the Restore module. If you would like to Undo your changes, launch Restore manually and select the backup for the operation that you just performed.
1502 No description information available
1503 Directory %s does not exist, do you want to create it?\n
1504 Pressing No will return you to the review options page.
1508 The file %s is part of UnInstaller. This file and all related files will be ignored. Press OK to continue with the analysis.
1509 The file %s is a standard part of Windows. This file and all related files will be ignored. Press OK to continue with the analysis.
1510 The application source and destination directories are the same. Please select a destination directory that is different from the original application directory.
1511 This transport operation is going to require %ld formatted disks. Do you wish to continue?
1512 Please insert formatted disk %ld of %ld.
1513 This is an Empty Folder. Would you like to delete it?
1514 The system could not delete the specified directory.
1600 Delete the following folder?
1601 The following file is an exception? Do you want to delete it?
1602 The following file is read-only. Do you want to delete it?
1603 The data type %s (%s) already exists in the list of files. The request to add for this data type will be ignored.
1604 Do you want to delete this file?
1605 Do you want to move this file?
1606 The following file is an exception? Do you want to move it?
1607 The following file is read-only? Do you want to move it?
1608 Do you want to transport this file?
1609 The file pointed to by %s is a standard part of Windows. This file pointed to by the link file and all related files will be ignored. Press OK to continue with the analysis.
1610 The file %s is a standard part of Windows. We recommend to exclude these files from this operation. Do you want to exclude these files?
1611 The file pointed to by %s is a standard part of Windows. We recommend to exclude these files from this operation. Do you want to exclude these files?
1612 Application Cleanup has calculated that you may not have enough disk space to complete this operation. Would you like to continue?
1613 Application Cleanup has calculated that your transport may span multiple disks. Would you like to continue?
1614 The file %s is an UnInstaller archive and cannot be deleted, moved, archived or transported. If you would like to restore or delete this archive, please go to UnInstaller Restore. Press OK to continue scanning ignoring this file and all related files.
1615 You are moving to a drive that is not scanned by UnInstaller. If you want to move the application back, you will have to select this drive to scan in UnInstaller Preferences. Do you wish to continue?
1616 You are moving files to the root directory of a drive. If you continue you may not be able to move this application again without unwanted side effects. Do you wish to continue?
1617 UnInstaller has determined that deleting, moving, archiving or transporting the file, %s, could make Windows unstable. This file and all related files will be ignored. Press OK to continue with the analysis.
1700 Warning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1701 This file category lists the items you selected in Step 1 of the Delete, Move, Archive, or Transport process. If you selected a single application, a single file will be listed. If you selected a file group, a file will be listed for each item contained in the file group you selected.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1702 This file category lists all executable files associated with the item(s) listed under Main Program File.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1703 This file category lists all the dynamic link libraries (DLLs) associated with the item(s) listed under Main Program File.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1704 This file category lists all the LNK files that point to any item in the File List.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1705 This file category lists all the Data Files associated with the item(s) listed under Main Program File. A separate branch is provided for each associated file type. You can expand any data file branch to see a list of all the files of that type.\n\nIf you add data files using the Add Data Files dialog, a new branch will be added under this file category.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1706 This file category lists all files associated with the item(s) in Main Program Files with the exception of EXEs and DLLs. You will find a variety of file types in this list such as Help files, graphics, initialization files, and more.\n\nIf you add files using the Add Files dialog, these files will be added under this file category.\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1707 This category lists all of the registry entries associated with the item(s) in the Main Program Files category. \n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
1708 This category lists all of the configuration (INI) file entries associated with the item(s) in the Main Program Files category.\n\n\nWarning:\nThe Advanced dialog is for advanced users. We recommend that you do not modify the settings made by UnInstaller. Making changes to the recommended settings in this dialog can result in system or application failures.
32771 View in Quick View\nQuick View
32772 Display the file links for the selected item.\nFile Links
32773 Open the selected file.\nOpen
32774 Add files to the list.\nAdd Files
32775 Add data files to the list.\nAdd Data Files
32776 Print the uninstall tree.\nPrint Tree
32777 Display the standart properties for selected item.\nProperties
32778 Displays the help topic for this dialog.\nHelp
57344 Application Cleanup
57670 Displays the help topic for this dialog.\nHelp
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.